To support the Woodruff Memorial Library through monetary donations, volunteering and advocacy.
Look here for upcoming events. Coming 2025

Friend-ly Facts
- Woodruff Memorial Library Friends, has federal 501(c) (3) status, making it a non-profit organization.
- The Friends’ main source of income is membership fees, donations, and the annual booksale.
- A seven-member Board of Directors governs the Friends.
- Meetings are held monthly on the third Thursday of the month virtually. Meetings start at 5:30 p.m. and are open to the public upon request. Minutes from previous meetings.
- Each spring the Friends hold the annual book sale, which is a major fundraiser. Members are admitted to a special pre-sale prior to the opening of the sale to the general public.
Current Directors
- McKensie Avens
- Barbara Bravo
- Christine Coffield
- Cody Long
- Bill Ehrlich
- Darilyn Berg
The Friends have purchased or provided funds for:
- Microfilm Reader/Scanner for the Local History Center
- Children’s touchscreen computers
- Teen furniture and video game system
- Summer reading program pool parties
- Live performances for summer youth programs
Yearly Memberships
- Senior/Student $10
- Individual $15
- Family $30
- Patron $50
- Benefactor $100
- Donation or Corporate
Contact the Library to join OR email wmlfriends1995@gmail.com!